
MistSwap Docs

Trade, launch, stake, farm, invest, automate, build on the premier DeFi platform of smartBCH

Quick Start →

Decentralized Finance

Trade without borders instantly. Fully open-source.

Built on smartBCH

5 second block times, low fees, truly decentralized. Be your own bank.

Deep Liquidity

Focus on gaining highest marketshare and providing best rewards to liquidity providers.

# Introduction

https://mistswap.fi/ (opens new window)

# What is Mist?

Mist is a smartBCH exchange, and a suite of tools to help empower the individual. Our main product is MistSwap, the exchange, which is based on the popular SushiSwap exchange.

The following documentation details the functional and technical aspects of the ecosystem products.

In order to partake in the Mist ecosystem, please join our discord https://discord.gg/xFTnQEzu9T (opens new window).

To interact with our products, please explore the links below:

MistSwap Exchange: https://app.mistswap.fi/swap (opens new window)

Mist Yield Farms: https://app.mistswap.fi/farm (opens new window)

MistBar Staking (xMIST): https://app.mistswap.fi/stake (opens new window)

Misty Lake: https://lake.mistswap.fi (opens new window)